S.Poddar & Co. > Investment > IND AS Implementation & Advisory

IND AS Implementation & Advisory

IND AS Implementation & Advisory Services is a professional service that advises firms on how to implement IND AS standards. This service is designed to help clients understand the requirements of IND AS, as well as how to implement them in their organization. The service also provides guidance on how to comply with the various standards and requirements, as well as best practices. The services also involve providing training, conducting workshops and seminars, and providing guidance and support to top management. The services are designed to help clients achieve compliance and minimize their exposure to risk.


In India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified phase-wise convergence of Indian Standards with IFRS which are known as Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). These standards have become effective from financial year 2016-17 and in Phase I, were applicable to all listed companies and companies having net worth exceeding Rs.500 crores.


How we can help:

  • Ind AS adoption:
  • Assistance in analysis of difference between Indian GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) and Ind AS
  • Assistance in identifying / deciding new policies / procedures required to be implemented of under Ind AS
  • Assistance in implementation of identified changes for convergence to Ind AS
  • Training your staff on key Ind AS concepts and requirements
  • Assistance in compilation of financial statements under Ind AS.