S.Poddar & Co. > Business > Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

Corporate finance is a field of finance that focuses on the funding, investments, and financial decisions of corporations. It also includes the tools and analysis used to make these decisions. Corporate finance concerns itself with the sources of funding and the capital structure of corporations, the actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders, and the tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources. It also deals with the time and money of individuals and departments within the firm.


Our Corporate finance Professionals deal with financial and investment decisions. Corporate finance is primarily concerned with maximizing shareholder value through long-term and short-term financial planning and the implementation of various strategies. Corporate finance activities range from capital investment decisions to investment banking.

We understand the needs of your organisation and create a flow chart to ensure smooth and hassle free finance acquisition.

We will help you prioritize your financial resources so as to make some extra room if there is scope for any

We walk the extra mile to quantify your financial needs and put you in touch with best financial institutions as per your needs so that your business can reach its optimum performance ability thus Loan Syndication Forms an Integral Part of our services.